
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Soul Asylum - Grave Dancers Union

Album number 5 means a hell of a lot to me....

Soul Asylum - Grave Dancers Union.
Soul Asylum were unfairly filed under the new grunge revolution at the time, but this, their sixth album was
more Tom Petty and less Nirvana.
A couple of tracks have a garage rock feel about them like '99%' & 'April Fool' but overall the album was more acoustically raw.
The lyrics by Vocalist Dave Pirner at first may seem bleak but he does have some hints of irony in there, and a little humour too.
He proved to be a good story teller on tracks like 'Black Gold' and on the opening track 'Somebody To Shove'.
The big song on this album was 'Runaway Train' which is now a mainstay on many alternative / soft rock compilation cd's out there.
The song is a classic, even listening to it now the quality hasn't diminished at all. Probably the greatest song Tom Petty or Lou Reed never wrote.
I will admit I haven't listened to every Soul Asylum album but of the ones I have listened to, this easily stands head and shoulders above
the rest. The only real issue I have nowadays about 'Grave Dancers Union' is that the production hasn't aged well and can be a little tinny, also
a couple of songs ('New World' & 'Keep It Up') do drag their heels.
However do check out the Black Crowes like 'Growing Into You' - and I defy anyone not shaking a little bootie to the beginning of 'Get on Out'.


This album gave me such strength during a very dark period of my life. I was 21 and living in Andover, Hampshire. I was going out with a girl called Vanya and had really fallen for her. Vanya came with a lot of issues. She had been brought up by her grandmother due to some mental health issues with her mother. Her grandmother was a big control freak and dictated a lot of Vanya's life. Once she found out about our
relationship she took every opportunity to cause trouble for us both (She even got me barred from my local pub, that was way out of order!)
My own family, however,  were so helpful and were a great support to us.
 After a number of months, Vanya recieved some good news. Her Mum had left hospital and her Dad had set up a small model casting (Boats, Cars not women) business in Dudley, West Midlands. They felt that could offer Vanya a chance of being part of a family again.
One Way Ticket To Dudley Please!

The decision was made that Vanya and I would both move and make a fresh start away from her Grandmother.
 If I was a more spiritual man back then I should have heeded the signs and turned straight back. On moving day, a friend of Vanya's dad came to collect us both and a van full of possesions. We had reached Didcot on the A34 when his van broke down. The RAC were then called, The breakdown lorry that was sent out to us only got as far as the Northampton turning on the M40 before that too gave up. I'm sure someone was trying to tell me something!!
We finally arrived at 11pm, a mere 9 hours after setting out.
 After a few days in Dudley, Vanya was taken ill, at which point the doctor told us we were expecting a baby!!!! It was then that things started to go
wrong. On the day I managed to get a job, Vanya aksed for some space, it was also then that she started to see the sales rep for her Dad's firm!
So with that I moved to a friends house in Newbury, I was unable to to go back to Andover for the silly reason, PRIDE!! (c'mon I was young)
 Whilst I was away, Vanya was taken into hospital after a fall at her family home. She confirmed that she had lost the baby (due to her previous problems with
substances, The doctors were not sure her body would have supported the baby for the full course anyway).
Needless to say I never returned to the Midlands.
My life was in tatters at this stage - No Job, No baby and seemly no big future.
This album raised my spirits as it seemed to reflect what was happening to me and just gave me encouragment to pull myself together.
'Homesick' I interpreted as breaking away from the situation with Vanya, 'Get On Out' as well just spoke to me.
Just re-listening to this for this blog stirs up so much. If you've never listened to this beyond 'Runaway Train' give it a try.
I also want to thank my friends that took time out to support me back then Paul, Karen, Sarah, Dougal, my brother John
and anyone else that I haven't mentioned from both Andover & Newbury.

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