
Friday 13 May 2011

Michael Jackson - Thriller

Here we are at 18

Michael Jackson - Thriller
I have never been Michael Jackson's biggest fan, however you have to respect the phenomenal success of 'Thriller'as to sell that many records it would have to be a great album. After the success of his previous effort 'Off The Wall' he must have felt the pressure with the follow up, however with the guidance of Quincy Jones
he showed diversity and a great ear for classic pop and soul.
In the US 7 of the 9 tracks were released as singles and all hit the top 10, a feat that has never been matched from one album. Also the videos broke down MTV's reluctance to show black artists in heavy rotation during peak hours. These are just 2 of the many legacys left from Thriller.
What about the actual songs?
Let's look at the killer trio, firstly 'Billie Jean' a song that nearly didn't make the album (Jones didn't like it at all). From the stark drum beat and the hard R&B bass lines it just makes you want to dance and wiggle. The lyrical story about a stalker was just fascinating and a real sign of the times.
Billie Jean Including The Famous 'Moonwalk'
'Beat It' has a real 'West Side Story' feel to it, the bashing tubes at the start set the tone. It also probably contains the most recognisable guitar solo ever (courtesy of
Eddie Van Halen) and the song was neither disco or rock, just classic.
Last of the trio is the weakest of them but possibly the most famous now due to the 14 minute video - 'Thriller'. Said video is amongst my generation's 'JFK' moments
(Where were you when?), the first showing on UK TV became an event and I know of people that watched in their local village halls at midnight when it was first shown. The song starts
promising enough with the howls and creeking doors but then descends into just a tepid pop/R&B song. It finishes strongly, however, with a spoken outro from 'horror' actor Vincent Price.
Other good songs on the album are the Funkadelic inspired 'Wanna Be Startin' Something' complete with African chanting and the soulful aching 'Human Nature'.
The most dissapointing song on the disc is perhaps the Paul McCartney duet 'The Girl Is Mine'. After the success the duo had with 'Say Say Say' I expect a lot of people were looking forward to another big song. However what came out was a sugary and uninspiring ballad. A letdown.
As this was the lead single from the album many critics had their knives sharpened for the failure of 'Thriller' but now after over 65 million sales worldwide those knives must have been blunted.
Pop music was never bigger than this.

Why I ♥ Album

What would you say to your eleven year old son if he asked you for alochol to take to a party he had been invited to?
Unless you've been on The Jeremy Kyle Show I'd hope you would say no! Well, my mum did say no, but hey ho, I had to ask! I was invited to a party at popular boy Jamie Sheldon's house in Popley.
The rumour at school was that the invites were exclusive and if you were lucky enough to be invited you had to take some alcohol with you.
It was like winning a golden ticket when I was asked to go. So of course I had to (like others that were invited) ask if I could take some beer or any sort of Alcohol! Unlike some of my friends I really didn't have an older sibling that I could turn to and ask. I had two older step-sisters but they would have just taken my money and told my mum (nasty girls!!!).
So what to do?
Mark Farry had told everyone he had 2 bottles of cider and other stories started to be heard about how much drink other people were bringing. So after much pleading and wailing my parents agreed to meet me nearly half way with 'Shandy Bass'. It looked like beer, smelt like it but had as much alcohol in it as mouthwash...(probably less actually!)
Yum Shandy Bass

The day of the party arrived and all excited I clutched my 2 litre bottle of shandy and left for the party with neighbour and school friend Ian Russell. We arrived at Jamie's and knocked on the door. I think it was his mother who answered the door and showed us in. Michael Jackson's Thriller was on the turntable (this was the soundtrack for any party in 1983) and there was a lot of noise. It seemed the party was not as exclusive as I was led to believe, it was heaving. Anyway we were shown into the kitchen to put our drinks
on a table and the sight was unbelievable........ a table full of 2 litre bottles of 'Shandy Bass'!!

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